
Oh Yeah, Ren Web

For those of you that believe using Ren Web was inappropriate. What the heck is it? This renweb or whatever was not used to send e-mails to the folks at St. Johns, your e-mail system is safe, there was no hacking involved.

For those of you at St. Johns that commented on the e-mail thank you. You get it. It is not about religion, using the churches e-mail or anything else. This was simply an attempt to make people aware. Everything that has happened to date is a matter of public record, John and Marissa have a multitude of crime reports filed against them. The police have raided their residence collecting additional evidence and John and Marissa continue to solicit money from people for these alleged investments. In these challenging times please do not give more money to these people under false pretenses, it will be the last you see of it.


  1. I "sold" a boat to John Cantu and his family 3 years ago. When I was trying to sell it, He told me that he had bad credit and couldn't finance for a year. He gave me A years payment up front and paid the insurance on it. He had a lawyer draft up a legal contract stating he would buy it from me in a year for my asking price, and if not, pay me a penalty..(a years worth of payments, yet still purchase the boat). When the year was up, he continued to make payments, garanteeing me that he would still buy.. $500 cash every month (probably stolen money, sorry). This went on for almost 2 years. He didn't always pay on time since the "real estate market was tough", but he made good for the most part. Now he's disappeared, 6 months behind on payments, turns out the boat has been sitting on the dealership's lot for over a year. He had an accident with it and approved almost $5000 in work. I spoke with his Ex-friend who said this is true and he wasn't at fault. So undoubtedly he committed insurrance fraud! He had the boat repaired, but left it there, never to pick it up! Yet probably filed a claim against the other party and got paid! Now I have to spend almost $5000 to get it off the lot, plus I'm still making the monthly payments on it and it's depreciated far, far beyond what I can sell it for! I'm screwed, and plan on going to the police on my next day off. He kept telling me it was at the dealership having warranty work done on it. I spoke with his wife a week before they were evicted and he "was in the hospital", and she lied straight to my face. She spoke nothing about an accident, and they were going to pick it up and store it at her brother-in-laws place in Corona/Riverside because you couldn't put boats/trailers in your driveway in Villa Park (just like his story). Marissa is totally involved in all these schemes... why would she lie about an accident that wasn't even thier fault if she wasn't in on all the scams? I hope my contract that we both signed helps put them in jail and possibly get our money back (wishful thinking). I can't believe I fell for thier Crap. Please share thier where-abouts if anybody knows. Thanks for listening.

  2. We all fell for their crap. The nicer you are the more they work you into believing they are sincere, honest, Christian people when they are really complete losers without jobs who steal with no remorse FROM the sincere, honest, Christian people.
