
A message from John Cantu

This is an actual e-mail sent from John Cantu to my frineds that also have investments with him that supposedly were due in October:

I asked for a truce for 10 days...you said NO and continued your campaign of irreversible damage. And yet I have continued to work to get you your funds...I have never said I wouldn't get you your money, am working to get past the unacceptable delay and I have not participated in your vulgar, threatening text and email campaign...again you will get your funds asap despite whether you stop or not. The delay has caused you and yours heartache and worry and what you have done maliciously to me and my family can NOT be undone either...so I will continue to work to RESOLVE our issues asap no matter what you continue to do.


1) The problem with this is John did say he wasn't going to pay us. I was there when he said it. He specifically stated that he couldn't pay anyone if he was in jail and that we should not press the matter any further. It should be noted that he has not paid anyone a cent.

2) He and his wife are not working with anyone to get anything. He won't return calls or messages and olny answers if threatened. Marissa will simply promise to take your name and number and have her dear husband give you a call. It'll never happen, me and my widfe have both been there. They just want you out of the way as quickly as possible.

3) and probably the best laugh here is the comment about the irreversable damage done to his family. Let me fill you in, his children go to private elementary school. I have to tell mine that he either has to drop of of college for a year or get a full time job to pay for it because the Cantu's have stolen his college money.

4) I don't think John and Marissa have any clue what the term ASAP means. These debts have been over due for months. I mean what was promised as a six week investment has not been paid in over 16 weeks. Oh, he was off the mark by just a little bit there.

5) This simply shows that lack of compassion that John and Marissa have for the people they steal from. They are only worried about the accusations leveled against them and have no concerns about the hardships that they have created for others.


  1. John and Marissa Cantu, playing their perfect Christian part, stole $20,000.00 from us. The money and resultant returns are long overdue. The excuses range from "The bank lost the check"..."it takes 10 days to clear", "my friend was in a car accident in San Diego and I had to stay at his house to take care of his daughter", "the IRS put a hold on my check but my sister works for the IRS so she is going to help me get your money", and many more. Although not a huge sum, this was all of our liquid savings as my husband went back to school a few years ago and we relied on one income for years. We've had to refinance, let our dog die b/c we have no money for the vet bill, experience horrible marital problems, deal with my son going to school with this thief's son, etc., etc. John AND Marissa deserve a hefty prison sentence for all the damage they've inflicted on people who trusted and loved them. We recommended our best friends invest, and guess what, they gave him $30,000.00. This blog tells our story and many others. John and Marissa do not respond to any requests any more and we continue to warn them that their story will soon hit bigger media and the police AND DA are very close to taking them away. I think someone better check his yard b/c there is probably over $2M dollars in the ground. Cantu, if you read your story, you know what you have to do to clear your name. Do what you promised "as a Good Christian" which are your words exactly.

  2. The District Attorney's office needs to prosecute both John and his wife Marissa. I HAD known them for over 10 years before they took me for nearly $30,000.00 along with co-workers for a range of $5,000 - $40,000 each. I do have a judgement filed against him on record with the Orange County, CA recorders office. My comments are not heresay or made up - I KNOW first hand.

    They always have one story or another. This man is a sociopatch with no consience what so ever for his actions. His wife is FULLY aware of his con's and continues to stick with him.

    I fully intend to contact the Orange County DA with information I have in an effort to assist in their prosecution.

  3. Trusted and loved is absolutely true. That is how he operates. He gains your trust, then once he gets what he needs from you, he's gone! His devious machinations go beyond the real estate world. He worked in the petroleum industry for 4 years and managed to con several independent business owners from Arizona to Washington for thousands of dollars! He was fired from a local Dresser Wayne distributorship in Gardena for embezzling about $20K, his company, Single Source Solutions, was a front for him to launder money for his own needs...it's all on record. The fact that it's taken this long to bring his devious behavior to light amazes me! These people have no conscience!!! Jail or Prison for BOTH!

  4. how do you spell SOCIOPATH another way?

  5. I'm sure we all paid for the birth of their children, the private school educations, the boats, the expensive vacations, the cars, etc., etc. I can see it is coming quickly to an end, unfortunately at the expense of many, many wonderful people who happened unfortunately to cross their paths.

  6. Don't forget the bad toupe on his head. That was probably purchased using everyone elses hard earned money. Boats? He had boats too?

  7. Cantu is going to admit he defrauded people finally and serve only five years. The wheels of justice are slow and not particularly fair, but at least he is finally paying the price for his actions. Unfortunately his family will be spending a lot of peoples hard earned money, while he is in jail. They have never recouped any of the money he stole. I wish my kids could have gone to private schools and we could have lived in a nice house in Villa Park. The problem is I am not a thief. I work hard for my money. When was the last time a Cantu actually worked?

  8. He is still at his con in Orange ca in 2021! No John I will not “trust” you
