
Header - Cantus on the Run again

Just by blind luck, we happened to drive by the Cantu house yesterday and noticed a moving van in front of their house. We asked if we could speak to Marisa because apparently, John is in the hospital. John Cantu told us from the very beginning that if anything happened to him, we needed to speak with Marissa because she knows everything about the investments and where our money is.

John's brother was with Marisa and told us that they JUST found out about John scamming people and that they had NO previous knowledge. This was odd because Marissa was always there when we gave John our investment money. He told us we needed to speak with the police and let them take care of things. An Orange County Sheriff appeared on the scene and told us that they were being evicted. We voiced our concerns that the Cantus might simply disappear because by our estimates, they have fleeced people out of almost $2 Million dollars. The officer assured us that if they indeed skip town that they would be found and brought to justice. We however are not so sure. If anyone has any information as to the current whereabouts of the Cantus, please post on this website so that people who want to serve them with civil paperwork can locate them.

I didn't know he was ripping people off!

1) Let's be real here, Marisa wants everyone to believe that she had no knowlwdge of her husbands actions. Marisa knew at least as far back as September 2009, that is when I couldn't get in touch with John and asked he about my money. She specifically told me that THEIR investments were coming in slower than expected.

2) John had no problem letting me and several others know that Marisa was aware of the deals and that we should contact her if we couldn't get in touch with him. She would arrange for settlement and let us know who his partners were.

3) Some of the suits that the Cantu's have lost go back several years and involve people that were considered good friends, the Cantu's even went so far as to go on joint vacations with those they would subsequently con.

4) Many thanks to those of you that are sharing additional information. I need to do as much reference checking as possible so that when we actually approach the DA's office about prosecuting this case we have as much readily available, verifiable information about his past cons as possible.


  1. We were able to confirm that John Cantu is at St Josephs Hospital in Orange after calling various local hospitals. Please pass this information on to any law enforcement agency as well as your legal counsel in the event legal process serving is needed for your individual case. Lets all work together to put this Bonnie and Clyde behind bars.

  2. We are so happy to hear that Orange Police Department is closing in on the John and Marrisa Cantu scam. It has been along time coming and hopefully this will bring comfort to all the innocent trusting folks the so called "Christian" John and Marrisa Cantu cheated, lied to, stole from, and impacted many lives negatively. Well it looks like the tide has turned and fallout from the bad dealings are crashing on both John and Marissa. It makes us even sicker how Marissa now is portraying herself as a victim now that the heat is warming her bacon. She is a rotten example of a Christian mother. I hope all involved continue pursuing justice as we plan to.

  3. His brother, may not have known. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, for now -

    From past experience with these people, I am confident his wife was fully aware and involved. It is amazing to me that the two of them, with three children, could behave in such a way. He feels no remorse for the people who he has ever cheated.

    I had thought better of her, until past actions, when she stood firmly by her man. Knowing and hearing first hand his actions and behavior involving his small business.

    As John liked to say, the proof is in the pudding. And I believe she is firmly in the thick of it.

  4. I'm happy to hear that his games are hopefully coming to an end. I worked for John and Marrisa Cantu when he was operating his own company, Single Source Solutions (S3) out of Orange County, CA. I moved to CA. because I trusted him and because he supposedly had a good reputation.

    As I read the comments above I realize how familiar the statment are to me. He screwed me out of $18K in unpaid wages, mileage re-imbursements, maxed out credit cards for gas and traveling expenses that were racked up for the company. He always used the oh so familiar excuses like, "oh I'm so sorry, I promise you I'll get you caught up next week, 2 weeks, at the end of this month, I swear as soon as I get paid, you'll get paid." Well now it's roughly 5 years later and I haven't seen a dime from him or his wife.

    I'm not alone here though, he screwed us all out of money. Money we depended on to live, eat, and survive. He screwed us out of money ranging between, $2k - $100K and more from his contracts employees and contract owners. He and his wife have no remorse for the hardships and pain they have put us all through from what I've seen. I still wish I could get a fraction of the $18K he screwed me out of just to get back on track with my life and financial hardships that I've encoured since working for him roughly 5 years ago.

    Todd H.

  5. Todd....I hope you call Dave Pasino and confirm that John AND Marissa are involved in this TOGETHER. She is playing innocent and is anything but. He is in the hospital. They've moved again (evicted, I understand). The kids are angry at all of the victims. These two are SICK. Please help us all by calling the Orange PD and filing a report. That is the only way you may see a glimmer of what was taken from you. THEY ARE SICKOS!!!

  6. An associate working on this mess for me did confirm the Cantu's house on Henderson in Villa Park has been vacated (they were evicted). There was an open house today. Glad to see they have moved on, but on the other hand more work will be needed to track them down. I am sure John and Marrisa screwed those property owners as they seem to bring finacial beatings to all whom they come in contact with....no boundries, who ever they can cheat out of their hard honestly earned money, they go for it without any concious. I am still amazed how John has operated for so long in this manner, and Marrisa stood by and watched. I am starting to believe Marrisa is the brains in the operation and John is just the gopher and now is ready to be buried as the law is closing in. Good luck, they are both going down.

  7. Does anyone know where the Cantu's have moved on to??

  8. If his brother was helping them move, I'd start there. I've read here that he probably wasn't aware of their devious behavior. The police can probably track them down.

  9. What a joke that all the "kids" are mad at the victims. One day when John and Marrisa are in jail, the real truth will be exposed to the "kids". We do feel bad for the "kids", they most certainly did to choose such rotten parents.

  10. John is a spinmaster. In order to save face with his kids, he has painted everyone he has ever conned in a bad light. Hopefully some day these kids will realize that they went to the best schools, ate at the best restaurants, and went on the best vacations using the money dad stole from hard working families. Maybe some day they will also learn that some of their classmates won't be going to the colleges they had once hoped to attend or go on family vacations their mom's and dad's had planned because Cantu stole their money! Is this guy any closer to getting sent to jail????

  11. Does anyone know if John is still in the hospital?

  12. Someone should contact Al Cantu @ Conoco Phillips to ask him where Marissa and John are so we can serve them more paperwork. Their kids are still going to VPHS and St. John, BTW....guess they think their kids will be well adjusted growing up around all of the people they've stolen from. Lordie they deserve to be put away for A VERY VERY long time. Their kids will be SO MUCH better off!!!!!!

  13. Someone should contact Al Cantu @ Conoco Phillips to ask him where Marissa and John are so we can serve them more paperwork. Their kids are still going to VPHS and St. John, BTW....guess they think their kids will be well adjusted growing up around all of the people they've stolen from. Lordie they deserve to be put away for A VERY VERY long time. Their kids will be SO MUCH better off!!!!!!

  14. Don't anyone be fooled by Al Cantu also.....The apple does not fall from the apple tree.

  15. Cantus are keeping a low profile....just wait until the S hits the F! Think it is going to be sooner than later for both.

  16. Well it has been a great year for the Cantu's. Lets see, first their Villa Park residence was raided by law enforcement. Shortly there after, they were evicted from the same home. Poor John ended up in the hospital, Marissa is now the poor wife who claims just being exposed to all of her husbands dirty dealings. And then there are the "kids" who now claim to be victims because of all the mean things people are saying about daddy John and mommy Marissa. Well the duo may have fooled people out of their money, shielded their kids from the truth, but they are not going to fool law enforcement much longer. At this point I am not sure what would be more satisfaction, get our money back, or see John and Marrisa in jail where they belong. I know jail will happen much sooner then restituion, but we will glady settle for that for now.

  17. I am sure that Al is pleased to have this carry over to his professional work life, due to his family relationship. John's family must be aware of his "issues" in respect to honesty and a sense of right and wrong

    As far as the children, it is unfortunate - As someone else stated, they did not choose their parents. At their age's, they have no choice but to believe the lies their parents tell them. For those of us who knew one or both of the parents, and were played by them as well, it took plenty of time for us, as adults to figure out the con they pulled on us.

    I am sure most of us have families and children as well. Let us not lose sight of what we have lost and what we have endured for our families and children. I do not know if it was luckily, or un-luckily that I was able to refinance my home to send my child to college -

    Hopefully, they will finally be held accountable for their actions and lies.

  18. John, remember Jose Gonzales, your former subordinate at Dataserv/Wang/Getronics you stole $25K from? This poor gentleman trusted you. He had a stroke and is now unable to work. Don't you think that he could use the $25K you stole from him now?? How do you sleep at night? Al, if you're reading this, your brother is an awful excuse for a human being.

  19. What a sad story, and even worse these poor excuses of a human beings have no idea of the damage they have done to so many, and even worse, have no remorse. Now they only have people thet care about them in a manner that they see John and Marrisa prosecuted to the maximum. I hope they enjoy looking over their shoulders everywhere they go, so many are looking for them. Hold on to your shorts Cantu's, law enforcement is going to be all over your lard tails that are filled with riches from fine food, paid for by all the money you two stole from so many innocent people. Your diets and life style are going to change drastically.

  20. I am making sure the Orange PD keeps up with the blog. LOTS coming out of it showing just how sick these people are. They are the scum of the earth...the lowest of low. They are the devil and Al, you're running with the devils and don't think we don't know it. People are dying who you owe money to and you could care less..... Devils aren't Christians, btw.

  21. We are also victims of John & Marissa Cantu. John took advantage of us in the fall of 2007. We met them through the Villa Park NJB. We were promised a huge return on our investment and lost $35,000. It was funny how he was Johnny on the spot - answering his phone, returning calls, and doing a little business with me (paying cash of course). That is until my first payment was due. Since then his phone was never answered, no phone calls were returned, no response to my Attorney's letters and calls, no response to my emails. The only way I could get to him was to bang on his door. And I did that repeatedly throughout 2008. The lies that came from that man's mouth! He would actually act offended if I implied that he was being dishonest! He tried to bully me by stepping up close to me and daring me to take a swing at him. I screamed at him "Get at of my F!!!!ing face several times until his wife came out and said that we were disturbing the neighbors! What an act! One time I knocked on his door and his mother answered. I told her, "If he doesn't pay me the $85,000 he owes me that I am reporting him to the police." His response was to scold me for scaring his poor old mom. He had told me he would pay in about a week, in about a month, in just a few more days, in about 2 more months, and on and on. I have learned so many things about this crook since then. He has ripped off the Olive Little League, landscapers, business associates, his "friends", his neighbors, people from St. John's, people from OJSC, NJB, and VPLL and he tried to rip off a baketball coach that I know but fortunately for him I had warned him. Everything about John & Marissa Cantu is crooked. Living in Villa Park, sending their kids to private schools without having a job! How can St. John's take their money? That's my money!!! Marissa is now driving a PT Cruiser and still carrying on at St John's as if she is a victim! What a joke. I can't wait for them to get their due. Thanks to Det. Pasino and OPD for their work in stopping these crooks and hopefully putting them in prison for a long time. Thanks to the folks that started this blog too.

  22. Your story is very familiar...If he had gotten in my face and dared me to take a swing at him, he would have eaten my fist more than once!!! I believe that the OPD's noose is starting to tighten around his neck. This blog is amazing! The power of the people he conned is going to get him some nice time in jail....Good Christian John is going to pay for his sins....

  23. Good Christian John and Marissa are going to pay for their sins if we good citizens (and victims) continue to file police reports, civil suits and spread the word!!!

  24. Wow, I just opened this back up for the 1st time since last year. I'm amazed to read the familiar complaints. It really sound like my problems were just the tip of the iceburg. I'd really like to hear any updates on this. It looks like the last update was March 16, 2010. Any new news?

  25. John Cantu is a major con artist. He is still at it and know he lives in Orange. (2018)

  26. I am not sure John will ever stop being a con man. He approached me about a real estate deal a little while ago. He is only interested in getting money from people and has no interest in actually performing what he promises. I would not invest a single dime with this man. He has no explanation for all the "john ripped me off" information on the web other than to say that everyone is not being honest. he is shady to be polite.

    1. He came to me with a deal a while ago. Same thing my money up front then with both get rich. Nothing to back up any promises. I did a background check and he has been bad news for a long long long time. I feel bad for those were ripped off by him.

  27. John is still ripping people off. He has some “loan deal” he want me to help with. I will get the deed so nothing to lose he says. Nice try John, I searched for you and did a background check, you would be shocked what is public record on this guy. Now he wonders why I ghosted him, lol

  28. John ripped me off for 50k back in 2011, he certainly lives well for not having a job.

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