
Where is the money

I'm sure that many of you are wondering where all this money has gone to. Well, there are a few of us working on that right now. I don't believe that John and Marissa go through the cash as fast as they get it. I know they took $50,000 in less than 3 weeks from my family and our good friends family. He surely isn't putting into any bank account as deposit of over $10,000 in cash at any single time or aggregated over a short period are reported to the IRS and several other government agencies that review suspicious transactions and money laundering.

There is just no way that his household bills exceed $25,000 per month, despite the fact that they took my sons college money to send their children to private elementary schools.

I believe that John and Marissa have to have a significant amount of cash within easy reach. The difficulty is finding out where that may be, but I will gladly share the information that I come up with. This is no longer about trying to get back any of the money we invested but it is all about stopping these thieves from stealing money from other families like ours. These people have no moral conscience at all, it's unbelievable.

1 comment:

  1. I know someone who is a victim of his, outside of the real estate world. I have forwarded your blog information. It will be up to that person to decide if they want to join your crusade.

    You're right. They have no moral conscience, and are just pathetic human beings.
